Non-Event is a Boston-based concert series devoted to the presentation of the finest in experimental, abstract, improvised, and new music from New England and around the world.

Cole Blouin & Robin Meeker-Cummings – Non-Event At Home: Program 25a

Cole Blouin & Robin Meeker-Cummings – Non-Event At Home: Program 25a



Non-Event At Home: Program 25a
Friday, June 19, 2020 at 8pm

Livestream a/v premiere | YouTube
YouTube Link

About the artists
COLE BLOUIN is a Boston-based composer and improviser whose work increasingly deals with temporal streams, in isolation and juxtaposition - the articulation of time by sound; the self-revealing of sound through time; the contrasting temporal flows of one type of sound or material against, before, or after another. This is explored through extremes of density and stasis; repetition and rupture; pure intonation and noise. Metaphors drawn from the non-human world are frequent - the play of waves; the contours of mountains; the branching of trees; the layered hocketing of birdsong. This work strives to function both as an attempt to communicate lived perceptual experience and to imagine new perceptual experiences, which, themselves, might inform how we listen, how we see, how we interact, how we relate. Imagination can create new worlds.

He attended Oberlin College and the New England Conservatory of Music, where he studied improvisation and contributed research on the music of Romanian avant-garde composer Horatiu Radulescu. His mentors have included figures as diverse as Julian Lage, Joe Morris, Carla Kihlstedt, Stratis Minakakis, and Trevor Bača. Cole also produces songs under the name Clouds, Happening.

ROBIN MEEKER-CUMMINGS is a composer, sound artist, and improviser who is studying Composition at New England Conservatory. They spent years active in the Philadelphia experimental and new music scenes organizing concerts and performing improvised electronics. At school, they have been writing electronic, electroacoustic, and acoustic classical music; many of these works have been performed at New England Conservatory. In the Summer of 2018, they attended a 9-day long Program in the countryside near Barcelona focused on sound art with found sounds. Robin has recently been performing improvised electroacoustic music. using found objects, bells, and parts of wind instruments they create thick textures and pointillistic gestures with the use of live processing. Robins development in electroacoustic composition has been encouraged by attending the Splice festival. They took classes about composing for electroacoustic instrumentation and had one of their pieces premiered at this festival. Robin has been working with multichannel spatialization and had a piece for 4.1 speaker orientation premiered at the ICMC in NYC in the summer of 2019.

Cole and Robin request that you show your support by donating to Violence in Boston, Inc.

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